RNA-binding motif protein X chromosome

Protein information

  • Protein ID: P38159
  • Protein Name : RNA-binding motif protein X chromosome
  • Gene : RBMX
  • Organism : Homo sapiens
  • Status : reviewed
  • Function : RNA-binding protein that plays several role in the regulation of pre- and post-transcriptional processes. Implicated in tissue-specific regulation of gene transcription and alternative splicing of several pre-mRNAs. Binds to and stimulates transcription from the tumor suppressor TXNIP gene promoter; may thus be involved in tumor suppression. When associated with SAFB binds to and stimulates transcription from the SREBF1 promoter. Associates with nascent mRNAs transcribed by RNA polymerase II. Component of the supraspliceosome complex that regulates pre-mRNA alternative splice site selection. Can either activate or suppress exon inclusion; acts additively with TRA2B to promote exon 7 inclusion of the survival motor neuron SMN2. Represses the splicing of MAPT/Tau exon 10. Binds preferentially to single-stranded 5'-CC[A/C]-rich RNA sequence motifs localized in a single-stranded conformation; probably binds RNA as a homodimer. Binds non-specifically to pre-mRNAs. Also plays a role in the cytoplasmic TNFR1 trafficking pathways; promotes both the IL-1-beta-mediated inducible proteolytic cleavage of TNFR1 ectodomains and the release of TNFR1 exosome-like vesicles to the extracellular compartment.

Protein Sequence


RRM domains in this Protein - 1 

RRM Entryname RRM Sequence range Pfam ID
P38159_RRM1 10 - 80 PF00076

Experiments retrieved for this Protein - 2 

Experiment ID Experiment Type PubMed ID
Exp_2MB0 NMR 24692659

Ligands tested for Binding - 1 

Ligand ID Ligand Type Ligand Sequence