APOBEC1 complementation factor

Protein information

  • Protein ID: Q9NQ94
  • Protein Name : APOBEC1 complementation factor
  • Gene : A1CF
  • Organism : Homo sapiens
  • Status : reviewed
  • Function : Essential component of the apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme complex which is responsible for the postranscriptional editing of a CAA codon for Gln to a UAA codon for stop in APOB mRNA. Binds to APOB mRNA and is probably responsible for docking the catalytic subunit APOBEC1 to the mRNA to allow it to deaminate its target cytosine. The complex also protects the edited APOB mRNA from nonsense-mediated decay.

Protein Sequence


RRM domains in this Protein - 3 

RRM Entryname RRM Sequence range Pfam ID
Q9NQ94_RRM1 58 - 127 PF00076
Q9NQ94_RRM2 138 - 203 PF00076
Q9NQ94_RRM3 233 - 297 PF00076

RRM domain Linkers in this Protein - 2 

Linker Name Linker Sequence range
Q9NQ94_linker1 128 - 137
Q9NQ94_linker2 204 - 232

Experiments retrieved for this Protein - 1 

Experiment ID Experiment Type PubMed ID