Splicing factor 3B subunit 6

Protein information

  • Protein ID: Q9Y3B4
  • Protein Name : Splicing factor 3B subunit 6
  • Gene : SF3B6
  • Organism : Homo sapiens
  • Status : reviewed
  • Function : Involved in pre-mRNA splicing as a component of the splicing factor SF3B complex (PubMed:27720643). SF3B complex is required for 'A' complex assembly formed by the stable binding of U2 snRNP to the branchpoint sequence (BPS) in pre-mRNA (PubMed:12234937). Directly contacts the pre-mRNA branch site adenosine for the first catalytic step of splicing (PubMed:16432215). Enters the spliceosome and associates with the pre-mRNA branch site as part of the 17S U2 or in the case of the minor spliceosome as part of the 18S U11/U12 snRNP complex and thus may facilitate the interaction of these snRNP with the branch sites of U2 and U12 respectively (PubMed:16432215).

Protein Sequence


RRM domains in this Protein - 1 

RRM Entryname RRM Sequence range Pfam ID
Q9Y3B4_RRM1 21 - 88 PF00076

Experiments retrieved for this Protein - 17 

Experiment ID Experiment Type PubMed ID
Exp_2F9D X-ray Diffraction 16432215
Exp_2F9J X-ray Diffraction 16432215
Exp_3LQV X-ray Diffraction 21062891
Exp_5Z56 EM 29360106
Exp_5Z57 EM 29360106
Exp_5Z58 EM 29360106
Exp_6AH0 EM 30315277
Exp_6AHD EM 30315277
Exp_6FF4 EM 29361316
Exp_6FF7 EM 29361316
Exp_6Y53 EM 32494006
Exp_6Y5Q EM 32494006
Exp_7ABG EM 33243851
Exp_7ABH EM 33243851
Exp_7ABI EM 33243851
Exp_7DVQ EM 33509932