
Structural information

  • Experiment ID: Exp_5Z57
  • Experiment Type : EM
  • PubMed ID : 29360106
  • Ligand ID: Lig91
  • PDB ID : 5Z57
  • PDB Chain ID : G

Protein involved in this Experiment

UniProt ID Protein Length Mutated Instance
P08579 225
Q15427 424
Q9NW64 420
Q9UNP9 301
Q9Y388 322
Q9Y3B4 125

Ligands involved in this Experiment

Ligand ID Ligand Length Ligand Type
Lig80 188 RNA
Lig91 274 RNA
Lig149 107 RNA

Snapshot of Contacts from this Ligand Structure

PDB ID Amino Acid Chain Amino Acid Position Amino Acid Amino Acid Atom Contact Distance Interaction Type Nucleotide Atom Nucleotide Nucleotide Position Ligand Structurename
5Z57 O 27 CYS SG 4.68 Å van-der-waals OP1 G 19 5Z57G00
5Z57 O 43 LYS CE 4.75 Å ionic OP1 G 16 5Z57G00
5Z57 O 43 LYS NZ 4.69 Å ionic OP2 G 16 5Z57G00
5Z57 O 43 LYS NZ 4.81 Å ionic OP1 G 16 5Z57G00
5Z57 O 46 LYS CD 4.09 Å van-der-waals O2 U 17 5Z57G00

Complete list of contacts